
Rihanna: The Personification of Pluto/Scorpio Energy in Music”

Rihanna, the Barbadian singer who has taken the world by storm, is a living embodiment of Pluto/Scorpio energy. Her music and life experiences reflect the intense, transformative, and unapologetic nature of these astrological themes. Let’s delve into how Rihanna personifies Pluto/Scorpio and how this energy is evident in her biography and music. Transformation and Rebirth … Read more

Mars Conjunct Pluto: A War Aspect Influencing the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Astrologers often look to the movements and relationships between planets to predict significant global events. When discussing war and conflict, the conjunction of Mars and Pluto is a key aspect that can signal the start of intense and transformative actions. As Mars moved to conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, this powerful alignment coincided with the Russian … Read more

New Year’s Astrological Predictions for 2022: Neptune Transiting in Pisces and Pluto Retrograde

As we welcome 2022, the stars align to reveal significant themes and shifts that will shape our year. With Neptune transiting in Pisces and Pluto retrograding, we can expect profound changes in various aspects of our lives. Here’s a detailed look at what these astrological events mean for us. Neptune Transiting in Pisces: April 18th, … Read more

The Historical Collapse of Civilizations: Understanding Pluto Return and Its Influence on the USA

Astrology is real. Astrology is the oldest science known to mankind. Please take this seriously. I don’t mean to scare you. My intentions are to PREPARE YOU! We are only 0 degrees into Capricorn, and by the time we are 6 degrees into Capricorn, it will be the United States’ first Pluto Return (February 22nd, … Read more

The Astrological Influence on George Floyd’s Murder: Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Aquarius

The planets and constellations in the heavens guide us through life, influencing events on Earth. The tragic murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, and the subsequent rise of the Black Lives Matter movement are no exceptions. The powerful astrological alignments of Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Aquarius played significant roles in these … Read more

The Astrological Similarities of Cult Leaders

Sidereal astrology can offer intriguing insights into the personalities and behaviors of some of history’s most infamous cult leaders. By examining the natal charts of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite, and Warren Jeffs, we can uncover common astrological patterns that may explain their ability to exert control and influence over their followers. These patterns … Read more