
♎ Libra

Cooperative • Sociable • Friendly • Persuasive • Companionable • Peace-Loving • Refined • Judicial • Artistic • Diplomatic • Suave • Relationship Oriented • Fickle • Loves Intrigue • Indecisive • Easily Deterred • Needs Approval • Can’t Say No • Emotional Fluctuation • Apathetic

DATES: October 16 – November 15

(Tropical: September 23 – October 22)

RULER: ♀Venus

ANATOMY: kidneys, lower back, adrenal glands, appendix

KEY PHRASE: “I balance”

Nature: To create harmony and balance

115175-magic-marker-icon-culture-astrology-libraLibra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, is known for its charm, sociability, and pursuit of harmony. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libra embodies the qualities of elegance, diplomacy, and a strong sense of justice. Let’s explore the key traits and behaviors of Libra in astrology.

Key Traits of Libra

Charming and Sociable: Libra is the social butterfly of the zodiac. They possess a natural charm and grace that draws people to them. Libras love attending social events, mingling with friends, and making new acquaintances.

Relationship-Oriented: Libras thrive in relationships and seek out companionship. They are often happiest when partnered and tend to move from one relationship to another. Their desire for connection and balance makes them dedicated and loving partners.

Refined and Artistic: With Venus as their ruler, Libras have a refined taste and an appreciation for beauty and art. They often have a keen eye for design and enjoy surrounding themselves with aesthetically pleasing environments.

Positive Traits of Libra

Diplomatic and Courteous: Libras are natural diplomats, skilled at navigating social interactions with grace and tact. They strive for harmony and balance, often acting as peacemakers in their social circles.

Fair-Minded: Libras have a strong sense of justice and fairness. They are keenly aware of the importance of balance and equality, and they work to ensure that everyone is treated fairly.

Charming and Persuasive: Libras are known for their charm and persuasive abilities. They can easily win people over with their friendly demeanor and eloquent communication.

Negative Traits of Libra

Indecisiveness: Libras can be notoriously indecisive, often struggling to make decisions. Their desire to please everyone and avoid conflict can make it difficult for them to choose a clear path.

Need for Approval: Libras seek validation and approval from others. They can become overly accommodating and may struggle to assert their own needs and desires.

Avoidance of Conflict: Libras prefer peace and harmony to the point where they may avoid addressing issues directly. They can brush drama and tension under the rug, which can lead to unresolved conflicts.

Libra in Relationships

In relationships, Libras are loving, romantic, and committed partners. They enjoy creating harmonious and balanced partnerships and are attentive to their partner’s needs. However, their indecisiveness and need for approval can sometimes create challenges. Libras thrive with partners who appreciate their charm and provide stability and direction.

Libra in Career

Libras excel in careers that involve social interaction, negotiation, and creativity. They thrive in roles such as diplomacy, public relations, design, art, and law. Their diplomatic skills and sense of fairness make them excellent mediators and counselors.

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