
The Astrological Similarities of Cult Leaders

Sidereal astrology can offer intriguing insights into the personalities and behaviors of some of history’s most infamous cult leaders. By examining the natal charts of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite, and Warren Jeffs, we can uncover common astrological patterns that may explain their ability to exert control and influence over their followers. These patterns … Read more

Uranus in Aries: Angry Protesters

When the the rebel planet, Uranus goes into the male oriented fiery and angry sign Aries. This positioning in the sky has caused plenty of social media violence as well as violent protestors. We are no longer being peaceful when it comes to protesting as when Uranus was in Pisces (hands up don’t shoot). Unfortunately … Read more

Unveiling Aaliyah’s Natal Chart: A Sidereal Astrology Analysis

Aaliyah Dana Haughton, known simply as Aaliyah, was an iconic singer, actress, and model whose influence continues to resonate. By examining her sidereal natal chart, we can gain insights into the cosmic forces that shaped her extraordinary life and career, including her significant relationships. Capricorn Ascendant: The Mature and Ambitious Star Aaliyah was born on … Read more

A Warning to my Rebels

Uranus in Aries Recently, the planet, Uranus has transited out of the sign of Pisces and into the sign of Aries where it currently sits at 0°.  Uranus represents the rebel, the revolutionary, the nontraditionalist and social networking to name a few.  When Uranus was in Pisces it literally brings the energy of peaceful protesting … Read more

Expounding on Extremist Ideology

For nearly the past decade we have been plagued by a specific evil.  We have experienced religious extremism, corrupt ideology, terrorism and even viruses plaguing tourist destinations, mass murders on college campuses and bombs and hijackers on planes.  This may seem random and rare but honestly it’s really not.  This is a perfect way to … Read more