
☉ Sun

Left Brain • Logic • Willpower • Life Giver • Fatherhood • Leader • Self-Identity • Ego • Conscious Mind • Main Concerns • Focus • Job • Hero • Savior • Yes • Will to Live

Day: Sunday

Cycle: 365 days

Rules: Leo


The Sun, often considered the most important celestial body in astrology, plays a crucial role in shaping our identities and experiences. As a luminary, the Sun provides the energy, warmth, and light essential for life on Earth. Its influence in astrology is profound, representing our core self, ego, and life force.

The Importance of the Sun

The Sun is the center of our solar system, providing the energy and light that sustain life. In astrology, it symbolizes vitality, leadership, and creativity. The Sun’s position in the zodiac at the time of our birth influences our core personality traits and overall life path.

Historical Reverence for the Sun

Throughout history, the Sun has been worshipped as a life-giver and savior. Ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians, Egyptians (Kemet), Greeks, and Romans celebrated the Sun’s journey through the sky, creating allegories and myths to describe its power and significance.

The ancients observed the Sun’s annual cycle through the 12 zodiac constellations. They noted how the Sun’s strength increased after spring, peaking during the summer solstice, and then waned towards the winter solstice. The Sun’s “death” and “rebirth” during the winter solstice—when it reaches its lowest point and then begins to rise again—have been symbolically celebrated for centuries.


The Sun’s Influence in Astrology

In astrology, the Sun represents several key aspects of our lives:

    1. Ego and Identity: The Sun governs our ego and sense of self. It influences how we perceive ourselves and our self-esteem. The Sun’s position in our natal chart reveals our core identity and what makes us unique.
    2. Father Figure: The Sun is often associated with the father or paternal figure in our lives. It represents our perceptions of our father and his influence on our personality and life path.
    3. Willpower: The Sun embodies determination and the power to take action. It drives our ambitions and the ability to pursue our goals with confidence and vigor.
    4. Creative Forces: The Sun provides the energy needed for creativity and self-expression. It fuels our passions and the desire to create and contribute to the world.
    5. Main Concerns: The Sun’s position in our natal chart indicates our primary focus and purpose in life. It highlights the areas where we are likely to shine and exert our influence.
    6. Career and Job: The Sun’s placement can also suggest the best avenues for career and energy exchange. It points to where we can achieve success and fulfillment through our work.

The Sun’s Day: Sunday

Sunday, the day named after the Sun, has long been associated with worship and reverence. Many cultures and religions have designated this day for honoring the Sun and its life-giving properties. In modern times, it remains a day for rest, reflection, and spiritual practices.

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