
☽ Moon

Right Brain • Emotions • Irrationality • Moods • Motherhood • Domestic Life • Intuition • Nurturing • Protective • Security • Safety • Instincts • the Past • Introspective • Home • Reactive • Rhythm • Fluctuation • Receptive • Adaptable • Habits • Prejudice

Day: Monday

Cycle: 28 Days

Rules: Cancer


The Moon, the closest celestial body to Earth, plays a crucial role in astrology. As a luminary, the Moon governs our emotions, instincts, and daily habits. Its cycles and phases have a profound influence on our lives, reflecting the rhythm of the natural world.

The Importance of the Moon

The Moon, though often referred to as a planet in astrological terms, is technically a luminary. It is well-known for its influence on the tides, but its impact extends far beyond this. Without the Moon, our days would be significantly shorter, only 6 to 8 hours long, and nights would be much darker.

The Moon’s Feminine Nature

The Moon is inherently feminine and is often associated with the Mother archetype. It completes thirteen cycles in a year, mirroring the thirteen menstrual cycles women experience annually. This connection emphasizes the Moon’s role in fertility, nurturing, and emotional security.

Allegorical Stories and Ancient Beliefs

Ancient civilizations used allegorical stories to describe the Moon’s journey. They observed that during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are not visible, the Sun appears to “impregnate” the Moon with light. As the Moon waxes, its light grows until it reaches fullness, much like a pregnancy cycle. This growth influences our tides and emotions, culminating in heightened activity during the full moon.


The Moon’s Influence in Astrology

In astrology, the Moon represents several key aspects of our lives:

  1. Domestic Life: The Moon governs all matters related to home and private life. It influences our sense of comfort, security, and the nurturing environment we create.
  2. Instinctual Nature: The Moon is linked to our instincts and intuition. Just as mothers instinctively understand their children’s needs, the Moon helps us react to our surroundings and protect those we care about.
  3. Protective Role: The Moon acts as Earth’s guardian, especially during the night when the Sun is absent. It symbolizes the protective and nurturing nature of motherhood.
  4. Subconscious Mind: The Moon controls the right brain, which governs creativity and the subconscious mind. It influences our deep-seated memories and automatic responses, such as breathing and heartbeat.
  5. Maternal Connections: The Moon embodies all things maternal, including fertility, childbirth, and the mother-child relationship. It represents the nurturing urge, emotional security, and the bond between mother and child.
  6. Emotional Influence: Just as the Moon affects the tides, it also tugs on our emotions. Human bodies are about 70% water, making us susceptible to the Moon’s gravitational pull. During full moons, heightened emotions and behaviors are often observed, leading to terms like “looney” or “lunatic.”
  7. Receptivity: The Moon is magnetic and receptive to energy, in contrast to the Sun’s radiating energy. This receptive nature influences how we absorb and respond to our environment.
  8. Habits and Routines: The Moon governs our habits and daily routines. It is associated with Monday (Moon Day or Lundi), the first day of the school week. The Moon’s 28-day cycle aligns with the time it takes to establish new habits, reflecting its influence on our daily lives.

The Moon’s significance in astrology is profound, shaping our emotions, instincts, and daily habits. Its feminine nature and connection to the Mother archetype highlight its role in nurturing and emotional security. By understanding the Moon’s influence in our natal chart, we can gain deeper insights into our subconscious mind and maternal connections, guiding us towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.


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