
☿ Mercury

Curious Child • Intellectual • Communication • Reasoning • Expression • Writing • Speaking • Contracts • Negotiations •  Short Trips • Sly Trickster • Opinionated • Neighbors • Learning Expression • Indecisive • Nervous • Restless • Picky

Day: Wednesday

Cycle: 88 Days

Rules: Gemini, Virgo


Mercury, the fastest planet in our solar system, plays a pivotal role in astrology. With an orbital period of approximately 88 days, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Its androgynous nature allows it to act as a bridge between masculine and feminine energies and between the spiritual and physical worlds. In astrology, Mercury represents communication, intellect, and the curious child within us.

The Importance of Mercury

Mercury’s swift orbit and proximity to the Sun make it a unique and influential planet. Its androgynous nature, neither clearly masculine nor feminine, enables it to mediate and convey messages between different realms and energies.

Mercury as the Messenger

Historically, Mercury has been known as the messenger of the gods in various mythological systems. This planet governs communication, news networks, talk shows, and all forms of information exchange. It provides us with the ability to reason effectively and facilitates negotiations, deals, and contracts.


Mercury’s Influence in Astrology

In astrology, Mercury represents several key aspects of our lives:

  1. Communication: Mercury is the archetype of communication, seamlessly connecting masculine and feminine energies, as well as the Earth and the heavens. It governs all forms of communication, including writing, speaking, negotiation, and agreements.
  1. Reasoning Abilities: Mercury enhances our intellectual capabilities, making our thought processes swift and efficient. It helps us to understand and articulate complex concepts.
  2. Processing Information: Mercury enables us to analyze information from various sources, such as books and auditory inputs, and organize it within our subconscious mind.
  3. Learning: Mercury is associated with elementary learning and our immediate environment. It represents the curious child who explores and learns about the world through questioning and experimentation.
  4. Transportation: Mercury rules short-term travel (less than 500 miles) and the nervous system, symbolizing quick movements and the transmission of information.
  5. Expressiveness: With its abundance of mental energy, Mercury can make us talkative and opinionated. It encourages lively discussions and debates.
  6. Jokester: Mercury influences our sense of humor, making us sly jokesters and quick-witted in response to jokes. When negatively aspected, it can manifest as dry sarcasm.
  7. Restlessness: Constantly processing information, Mercury can lead to nervousness and restlessness. It may also cause indecisiveness due to an overload of options.
  8. Community: Mercury symbolizes those in our immediate environment, including neighbors, siblings, aunts, uncles, and other close relations.

The Moon’s significance in astrology is profound, shaping our emotions, instincts, and daily habits. Its feminine nature and connection to the Mother archetype highlight its role in nurturing and emotional security. By understanding the Moon’s influence in our natal chart, we can gain deeper insights into our subconscious mind and maternal connections, guiding us towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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