
♂ Mars

Boys • Massive Action • Physical Energy • Ambitious • Competitive • Aggressive • Passion • Bravery • Weapons • Move or be Penetrated • Forceful • Brutal Violence • Fights • Crude • Vulgar • Animal Instincts • Lust • Desire • Confrontation • Challenges • Survival Instinct • Destructive • Accidents • Spicy Foods

Day: Tuesday

Cycle: 686.9 Days (22 Months)

Rules: Aries

Co-Rules: Scorpio


Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, is known for its fiery and volatile nature. As the outermost of the terrestrial planets, Mars symbolizes action, aggression, and desire in astrology. Its bright red appearance, due to oxidized iron, has long associated it with war and conflict. This planet’s influence is significant, shaping our ambitions, passions, and competitive drive.

The Importance of Mars

Mars is a dynamic force in astrology, representing energy, drive, and determination. Its rugged, dry, and windy characteristics reflect its intense and forceful nature. Mars’s influence can be both constructive and destructive, driving us to achieve our goals while also leading to impulsive and sometimes violent behavior.

Historical Reverence for Mars

Throughout history, Mars has been revered as the archetype of war. Its bright red color and proximity to Earth during certain periods make it a prominent and striking presence in the night sky. Ancient cultures often associated Mars with gods of war and conflict, highlighting its role as a bringer of action and confrontation.


Mars’s Influence in Astrology

In astrology, Mars governs several key aspects of our lives:

  1. Ambition and Drive: Mars embodies ambition and the determination to achieve our goals. When Mars desires something, it exerts incredible drive and energy to obtain it.
  2. Dominance and Power: Mars is dominant and assertive, often adopting a “move or be impaled” attitude. It drives us to assert our will and overcome obstacles.
  3. Direction and Focus: Mars is linear-minded, always keeping its eye on the prize. It helps us stay focused on our objectives and maintain a clear direction.
  4. Lust and Desire: Mars governs lust and the desire to be the first to conquer or achieve. This planet’s influence can lead to intense passions that may wane after the conquest is complete.
  5. Vulgarity and Coarseness: Mars is associated with crude and vulgar expressions, including the use of profanity. It reflects our raw, unfiltered emotions and instincts.
  6. Action and Determination: Mars drives us to take massive action and do whatever it takes to achieve our goals. Its energy is relentless and often impulsive.
  7. Archetype of Boys: Mars represents the archetypal boy, embodying traits like aggression, competitiveness, and a fascination with action and adventure. This energy is often seen in young boys’ interests, such as sports, action figures, and competitive activities.
  8. Animalistic Instincts: Mars connects to our primal instincts, focusing on survival and reproduction. It fuels our drive to compete, protect, and assert dominance.
  9. Strength and Stamina: Mars is about building strength and stamina, whether for physical survival or social dominance. It encourages activities like weightlifting and sports to enhance physical prowess.
  10. Confrontation and Aggression: Mars thrives on confrontation and does not tolerate restraint. It drives us to challenge opposition and assert our will.
  11. Impatience and Impulsiveness: Mars’s nature is to act swiftly and decisively, often preferring immediate action over careful planning. This can lead to impulsive decisions and impatience.
  12. Violence and Volatility: When provoked, Mars can be volatile and violent. Its aggressive energy can manifest as cruelty and rash behavior.
  13. Accidents: Due to its impulsive nature, Mars is prone to accidents. Its “act first, think later” mindset can lead to risky and dangerous situations.

Mars’s significance in astrology lies in its role as the planet of action, ambition, and conflict. Its influence shapes our drive to achieve, our competitive nature, and our capacity for aggression. By understanding Mars’s position in our natal chart, we can gain insights into our motivations, desires, and how we confront challenges. Embracing Mars’s energy can help us harness its power constructively, driving us toward success and personal growth.

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