
About Me

Greetings.  My name is Eli and I am the owner of Astro Life Lessons. I am an astrologer.  I study the celestial heavens in the sky as a means for interpreting information about human affairs as well as imminent events to take place on Earth.  I dedicated my career to astrology because, just as I was, there are many a people who are still trying desperately to find themselves amongst a sea of people in this world. I do this for the people who need help finding their purpose in life.  I do this for the people who look up towards the twinkle, twinkle little stars and wonders what they really are.

flammarion_woodcutWhat makes me different from the other astrologers out here is that I practice Sidereal Astrology.  Sidereal, or Eastern astrology is an ancient system that is based off the real time constellation.   This system takes into consideration of Precession of the Equinox as well as other general Astronomy concepts.  This means that during this time, if you looked at the eastern horizon during sunrise on Spring Equinox (1st day of Spring), you will currently see the constellation Pisces. Tropical, or Western astrology, on the other hand, is a system based on the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere.  This means that at the Spring Equinox, the first sign will always be Aries no matter what constellation is sitting on the horizon at the dawn of Spring Equinox.  Western astrology is solely for the benefit of farming cycles.  What also makes me stand out from other astrologers is that I’m more forthcoming and blunt on how much the heavens influence us. I will not offer general nebulous interpretations that can be applied to anyone. You will know that this interpretation is yours and yours alone.

zodiac2The reason that I study astrology intensely is because I have found it is a missing and crucial puzzle piece to all the questions I’ve ever asked myself in life.  I remember the first time I have come across this subject. I randomly bought a book with the sole intent of learning something new. I had no idea, at the time, what astrology was.  I found myself immersed in this new study.  It’s been several years and my head is still immersed in astrological books.  Astrology has quickly grown to be a passion for me.  My family and friends are very aware of how I light up with excitement when discussing this subject.  I’ve applied astrology to religion as well as other subjects in life and it has brought me the greatest understanding.  Most importantly, the science of astrology has allowed me to help people in a really meaningful way.  It truly makes my heart smile when I have my clients read my interpretation and they are just reading; stunned and giggling as if to say, “Yeah… You got me…” I’m truly grateful to be gifted with the knowledge of astrology and to help others as the Three Wise Men once did.   I encourage you to look around this site with an open mind and see how the heavens can truly benefit you, as it has our ancestors in antiquity.