
A Warning to my Rebels

Uranus in Aries

blm-terrorists-4Recently, the planet, Uranus has transited out of the sign of Pisces and into the sign of Aries where it currently sits at 0°.  Uranus represents the rebel, the revolutionary, the nontraditionalist and social networking to name a few.  When Uranus was in Pisces it literally brings the energy of peaceful protesting and rebellion.  There have been revolutionist that has become martyrs and victims for their cause.  Rebels back then felt that they were hopeless and suffering from the inhumane treatment.  Those days are over.  Now Uranus is in the sign of Aries.  Aries is all about impulsivity, anger, action without planning nor follow-through and harsh violence.  It is not surprising that as Uranus transited into Aries that protesters from Black Lives Matter stopped thinking that peace is the only way; that a revolution can only be had by taking action and not tolerating anything that gets in the way of freedom against the status quo.

Dallas Shootings

In Dallas, TX there was initially peaceful protest in response to the recent strings of police brutality against African-Americans when a sniper injured seven people and killed five police officers.  He was apparently angry about police brutality going on in the nation.  Apparently he has been planning for the big bang for awhile; he had all kinds of weapons and explosives at his home.  The protest in Dallas was so last minute that he apparently felt he had to take the opportunity, leaving most of his weapons behind.

Turkish Attempted Coupe De Tat

It wasn’t too long after that the Turkish military impulsively decided to undertake a Coupe De Tat with lack of proper planning.  Coupe De Tat literally means “Cut the Head” and apparently the Head [President] was out on vacation.  The military tried to strong arm the country for a few hours before the President returned to his country to quickly resume control.

Baton Rouge Shootings

Then there was another rebel that took it upon his hands to slaughter three innocent policy officers Baton Rouge, LA.  He even uploaded YouTube videos prior to his death basically calling for African Americans to stop being passive and to take action.  The first similarity I see is that they all have military backgrounds.  They were all “trained to go”.

Trump’s RNC Rebellion

Even the Republican Party attempted a Coupe on its presumptive nominee, Donald Trump. But as with all others, due to lack of proper planning, the revolution was over before it even began.

Again, this is only the beginning.  Uranus still sits at 0° in Aries; there will be more to come.  I say this to all of my rebels, activists, protesters, nontraditionalist and avid social networkers; do not let anger, hateful rhetoric and antagonists prevent you from your mission of solidarity and humanitarianism. Slaughtering law enforcement brought more war and polarity then it brought peace and resolve.  I’m telling you now, you will feel more anger as a rebel because this situation will not get any better, and you must channel your anger in a ways that is conducive to the humanitarian cause. Most importantly: PLAN!