
♅ Uranus

Freedom • Discontent • Revolution • Change • Progressive • Revelation • Rebellion • Independence • Individuality • Nontraditional • Inventions • Innovation • Novelty • Cutting Edge Technology • Electricity • Internet • Social Networking • Sudden and Unexpected • Androgyny • LGBT • Eccentric • Weird

Cycles: 30,687 days (84 years)
Rules: Aquarius


Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun, is unique in the solar system for its sideways orbit. This distinctive tilt symbolizes Uranus’s role in astrology as the planet of individuality, originality, and revolutionary change. Uranus challenges the status quo and encourages us to embrace new ideas, innovations, and progressive thinking.

The Importance of Uranus

Uranus’s unusual orbit and eccentric behavior reflect its astrological influence. It represents sudden changes, breakthroughs, and the urge for freedom. Uranus pushes us to think outside the box and break free from traditional constraints, promoting individuality and social reform.

Historical Reverence for Uranus

Named after the ancient Greek deity of the sky, Uranus has always been associated with innovation and transformation. Its discovery in the 18th century coincided with significant technological and social changes, underscoring its role as a catalyst for progress and revolution.


Uranus’s Influence in Astrology

In astrology, Uranus governs several key aspects of our lives:

  1. Freedom and Independence: Uranus embodies the spirit of freedom and independence. It encourages us to act and speak without restraint, promoting self-reliance and individualism.
  2. Rebellion and Unpredictability: Uranus is known for its rebellious nature, often causing sudden and unexpected changes. It challenges authority and disrupts established norms.
  3. Innovation and Invention: Uranus rules new technologies and scientific discoveries. It drives the development of cutting-edge inventions and revolutionary ideas that can change the world.
  4. Electricity and Technology: Uranus governs electricity and electronic devices. Its influence extends to the internet and all forms of digital communication and social networking.
  5. Social Networking and the Internet: Uranus is the ruler of the cyber world, influencing how we connect and interact online. It promotes the use of social media platforms to share ideas and foster community.
  6. Science and Progress: Uranus is associated with scientific advancements and progressive thinking. It encourages us to look toward the future and embrace change for the betterment of humanity.
  7. Social Reform and Solidarity: Uranus champions social justice and equality, advocating for the rights of marginalized groups. It fosters solidarity by highlighting our common goals and missions, despite our differences.
  8. Novelty and Trends: Uranus is fascinated by novelty and trends, always seeking the latest innovations. It thrives on new and exciting developments, even if they are short-lived.
  9. Eccentricity and Unconventionality: Uranus celebrates eccentricity and unconventional behavior. It encourages us to embrace our unique perspectives and break away from societal expectations.

Uranus’s Day: Wednesday

Uranus’s influence extends to Wednesday, a day associated with communication, change, and intellectual pursuits. It’s a day to embrace new ideas, connect with others, and push the boundaries of conventional thinking.

Uranus’s significance in astrology lies in its role as the planet of innovation, rebellion, and change. Its influence shapes our desire for freedom, our drive for social reform, and our pursuit of new technologies and ideas. By understanding Uranus’s position in our natal chart, we can gain insights into our unique qualities, our capacity for change, and our role in fostering progress and innovation. Embracing Uranus’s energy can lead to a more dynamic, forward-thinking, and fulfilling life.

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