
The Dark Influence of Diddy’s Natal Mars Sextile Pluto

On November 16, 2023, the entertainment world was shaken when Cassie Ventura filed a lawsuit against Sean “Diddy” Combs. Cassie accused Diddy of rape, sex trafficking, and physical abuse, and even implicated him in blowing up her then-boyfriend Kid Cudi’s car. The lawsuit was settled the following day with an undisclosed agreement, leading to its dismissal. This event has brought to light some dark astrological influences in Diddy’s natal chart, particularly his Mars sextile Pluto aspect.

Diddy’s Sidereal Natal Chart

Understanding Diddy’s Natal Mars Sextile Pluto

Diddy’s natal Mars, the planet of action and aggression, forms a sextile with Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and secrets. This aspect suggests a person with intense energy and a propensity for hidden, forceful actions. Mars sextile Pluto can endow someone with the drive to achieve their goals at any cost, often leading to manipulative or coercive behaviors.

In astrology, Mars governs our actions, desires, and how we assert ourselves. Pluto, on the other hand, delves into the depths of power, control, and transformation. When these two planets interact harmoniously in a sextile, there is a potent blend of ambition and the ability to wield power effectively, sometimes leading to destructive tendencies if not managed properly.

The Current Transit: Pluto Conjunct Diddy’s Mars

As of now, transit Pluto is moving to conjunct Diddy’s natal Mars in Capricorn. This transit is known for bringing about intense transformations and uncovering buried truths. Pluto’s influence during this transit can trigger crises that force individuals to confront their deepest fears and secrets. For Diddy, this means that the hidden aspects of his actions, represented by his natal Mars, are being brought to light.

2024 is set to be a particularly challenging year for Diddy as he navigates this powerful transit. Pluto’s conjunction with his Mars is likely to uncover more of his dark secrets and bring to the surface the hidden aspects of his character and actions. This transit is a period of reckoning, where past actions come back to demand accountability.

The Unveiling of Secrets

Astrologically, it’s not surprising that these allegations have come to light now. Diddy’s natal Mars sextile Pluto suggests a history of concealed aggressive behaviors and power struggles. With Pluto currently transiting and conjuncting his Mars, it’s a cosmic signal that these secrets are being exposed.

Astrologers understand that Pluto transits often coincide with significant life events that force transformation. For Diddy, this transit is revealing his true nature, and according to his natal chart, he is far from the “Brother Love” persona he has cultivated. As Pluto continues its transit, we can expect more revelations and crises that will further challenge his public image and personal life.


The allegations made by Cassie Ventura against Diddy highlight the darker aspects of his natal Mars sextile Pluto. As transit Pluto continues to conjunct his Mars, more secrets are likely to surface, making 2024 a transformative and tumultuous year for him. This period will not only unveil hidden truths but also force Diddy to confront and address his past actions.

Stay tuned as the celestial energies continue to unfold, revealing the real Diddy beneath the public persona.