
The Influence of Neptune Retrograde in Sidereal Astrology: A Deep Dive into the SAG-AFTRA Strike

In sidereal astrology, Neptune retrograde from June 30th, 2023, to December 6th, 2023, has profound implications, particularly for the film and television industry. Neptune, the planet that rules over film, TV shows, actors, fantasy, hope, belief, compassion, deception, trickery, helplessness, exploitation, poverty, homelessness, welfare, mental health, and depression, creates a period ripe for reevaluation and reflection when retrograde. This astrological event significantly influenced the SAG-AFTRA strike, marking a historic moment in Hollywood.

Neptune’s Domain: Understanding Its Influence

Neptune governs the realms of imagination and illusion. It is the planet of dreams, ruling over film and television, the art of pretending and fantasy. Actors, who embody Neptune’s energy, create worlds and stories that captivate audiences. However, Neptune also casts a shadow, bringing deception, trickery, and exploitation to light. It highlights issues of helplessness, poverty, and mental health struggles, particularly within the entertainment industry.

The SAG-AFTRA Strike: A Neptune Retrograde Event

From July 14 to November 9, 2023, SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) went on strike against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). This strike, the longest in the union’s history, coincided with the 2023 Writers Guild of America strike, resulting in a significant disruption in the American film and television industries. The combined strikes led to the loss of 45,000 jobs and an estimated $6.5 billion loss to Southern California’s economy.

Astrological Analysis: Neptune Retrograde’s Role

When Neptune is retrograde, it prompts a re-evaluation of areas under its influence—film, TV, and the exploitation within these industries. The Hollywood realm, ruled by Neptune, faced significant challenges during this period. The strikes, driven by changes due to streaming services and AI, highlighted the deception and exploitation faced by actors and writers. Issues of economic fairness, residuals, and AI regulations were at the forefront, reflecting Neptune’s call to address hidden injustices.

During this retrograde, the normally glamorous life of actors was scrutinized, revealing the harsh realities many face. Behind the scenes, many actors struggle with financial instability, mental health issues, and the pressures of an unpredictable industry. The retrograde period brought these issues to the surface, demanding attention and compassion.

Key Events During the Retrograde

  • Protests and Picketing: Major film studios and company offices in Los Angeles and New York saw picketing, with notable actors and union leaders like SAG-AFTRA president Fran Drescher taking prominent roles. The strike received widespread support from other labor unions and politicians, including President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders.
  • Economic Impact: The strike highlighted the financial exploitation within the industry, with actors demanding better residuals and protections against AI. The significant economic loss underscored the industry’s reliance on fair treatment and compensation for its talent.
  • Mental Health Concerns: Neptune’s influence on mental health brought attention to the emotional toll on actors. The strike period saw heightened awareness of the struggles with depression, addiction, and other mental health issues that plague the industry.

The Resolution and Future Outlook

The strike ended on November 9, 2023, with SAG-AFTRA members ratifying the new contract on December 5, 2023. While the immediate crisis was resolved, the period of Neptune retrograde until December 6, 2023, ensured that the underlying issues would continue to be addressed. As Neptune goes direct, there is hope for healing and progress in Hollywood.


Neptune retrograde from June 30th, 2023, to December 6th, 2023, played a crucial role in the SAG-AFTRA strike, bringing to light the deep-seated issues of exploitation, deception, and mental health in Hollywood. As this period of reflection and reevaluation ends, there is an opportunity for the entertainment industry to address these challenges with compassion and a renewed sense of fairness. Understanding the astrological influences helps us appreciate the broader context of these significant events and their impact on the industry.