Neptune is officially home in its natural sign of Pisces! A new era of music is here. This is a great time to be an artist of any kind.
Neptune has been home since April 18th, 2022. Neptune will begin to retrograde on June 28th, 2022 and will retrograde out of Pisces on September 11th, 2022. The artistic planet will go direct on December 3rd and will return to and will remain in Pisces from February 19th, 2023 up until it leaves Pisces for Aries on February 5th, 2037. We are privileged to enjoy amazing art, music and film for the next 14 years!
This is the era of rhythm and dance. Pisces rules the feet. You will dance like you never have before. During this era, you will dance to escape and heal.
Read more: Neptune in Pisces: The New Era of Music is Here!
This is the era of rhythm and dance. Pisces rules the feet. You will dance like you never have before. During this era, you will dance to escape and heal.
Drake: Honestly, Nevermind
Drake, to my knowledge, is the first artist to debut this new era of music. He recently came out with his latest album called, Honestly, Nevermind. Reviewers are describing his newest body of work as “an album of entrancing club music” that is “appealingly weightless, escapist, zealously free”. This are very interesting choice of words to describe this album.
Beyoncé‘s Break My Soul
Beyoncé, on the other hand, just came out with her new uplifting song called, “Break my soul,” where she repeats an inspiring mantra of, “You won’t break my soul.” This song is all about self-reflection and escaping the problems of your life like: quitting a job you’re unhappy with and following your dreams.
This song has been described, by reviewers as, “she returns from a trip through self-reflection to spread news of the healing properties the journey provided just in time for summer.”

Now I just fell in love / And I just quit my job / I’m gonna find new drive / Damn they work me so damn hard / Work by nine / Then off past five / And they work my nerves / That’s why I cannot sleep at night.”
This up-beat tune is the first single on her upcoming album, “Renaissance: Act 1”. Her seventh album is slated to be released on July 29th, 2022.
“With all the isolation and injustice over the past year, I think we are all ready to escape, travel, love, and laugh again,”
“I feel a renaissance emerging, and I want to be part of nurturing that escape in any way possible.”
Neptune in Pisces’ Reoccurring Theme
If you understand Neptune, you understand that Neptune/Pisces associations tend to come in three’s. Neptune is represented as trident. In movies, theater and shows, there is a 3 act structure. In music, there is normally 3 verses on most songs. In the concept of drugs, you have 3 different kinds: stimulant, depressant and hallucinogen.
The theme of this era is ESCAPISM! And believe me, we will need to escape. Pisces is not an easy sign to deal with. With the good traits, must come the bad. Since Neptune is in Pisces, we will be dealing with themes such as poverty, homelessness, suffering, mental issues, depression and drug dependency. This is a time where so much heavy stuff is happening that we cannot help but to escape and enjoy the little joys of life, just to cope with all the stuff that is thrown at us. This is NOT an easy time to be alive.
Music will help us to escape reality. This era of music will be crucial for inspiring us, giving us hope during these bleak and perilous times. It will allow us to indulge in our fantasies as a safe space for refuge.
Pisces rules the feet so its obvious that people are going to get on their feet and dance
Initial Mixed Reviews
“It’s all good if you don’t get it yet. It’s all good. That’s what we do. That’s what we do. We wait for you to catch up. We’re in here, though. We’re caught up already. On to the next. My goodness.”
Since this is a new era of music, there has been some mixed reviews about the new direction music is going in.
Drake said that we will catch up and he’s absolutely right. Drake and Beyoncé obviously are in-tune with Neptune. They are the first to adjust with the changing times. Believe me, if you don’t like this kind of music, you will. This type of music is designed to be hypnotic and addictive. Its designed to bypass your conscious mind and go straight to your subconscious mind. You will find this kind of music lingering in your head. You will find yourself rocking to this style of music.