
Uvalde School Tragedy

On May 24th, 2022, some 18-year-old psychotic loser stormed an elementary school, Robb Elementary, armed with an AR-15 style rifle that he just got himself on his 18th birthday, and stole the lives of 18 children along with their 2 teachers, also wounding seventeen others in Uvalde, TX. Before he terrorized the elementary school, he shot his grandmother in the forehead, severely wounding her.

Law enforcement was originally praised for their “heroic” efforts but as time went on the truth began to unravel. Soon after the senseless massacre, law enforcement received heavy backlash for misleading the public of the facts along with their lack of urgency and extreme delays in taking down the suspect, as trained, and saving the wounded survivors. Come to find out, students and teachers waited 78 minutes to be saved while at least 19 officers were at the front door of the classroom. They reportedly made “no effort” to breach the classroom were the suspect was in.

Students were frantically calling 911 back to back, desperately pleading for help as officers waited outside. To add insult to injury, some officers were criticized for securing their own children while restraining parents from entering the building and saving their own. The decision to wait was made by Pedro “Pete” Arredondo, the consolidated independent school chief of police.

When this shooting happened, I was initially confused. Pluto is in Capricorn. Pluto rules mass shootings. Since Pluto is in Capricorn, Pluto is terrorizing Capricorn themes like: businesses, governments, law enforcement, elders and etc. At the moment of the massacre, Pluto was 4 degrees in Capricorn and trine Mercury 4 degrees in Taurus. Mercury rules curious young minds and elementary schools.

Capricorn rules law enforcement. Capricorn is all about delays, restrictions, hierarchy and duties. When Pluto is in Capricorn, it corrupts Capricorn. This is the second time we have the theme of law enforcement, delaying life saving measures, as commanded by a superior, while restricting civilians from helping the situation. George Floyd’s death was the first major incident since Pluto entered Capricorn on February 24th, 2020.

As for the uptick in violence, that’s what Pluto in Capricorn represents. Since Pluto represents criminals and its in such a disciplined sign, Capricorn gives criminals structure and longevity. This is an organized crime era. The massive crime and violence, I’m afraid, will only continue and get worse until Pluto leaves Capricorn on January 15th, 2040. We have every reason to be concerned domestic extremists and restricting weapons that can cause massive destruction. Unless we take aggressive measures to mitigate crime,it will only get worse.

What I’m most concerned about is the likelihood for these mass shooters to group up and cause mayhem. Since Pluto is in Capricorn, group mass shooters may very well be likely in this era. I really hope I’m wrong, but I’m interpreting the cosmos which is the oldest science in the world so I doubt I’m wrong.

What are your thoughts on this?