
New Year’s Astrological Predictions for 2022: Neptune Transiting in Pisces and Pluto Retrograde

As we welcome 2022, the stars align to reveal significant themes and shifts that will shape our year. With Neptune transiting in Pisces and Pluto retrograding, we can expect profound changes in various aspects of our lives. Here’s a detailed look at what these astrological events mean for us.

Neptune Transiting in Pisces: April 18th, 2022 – February 5th, 2037

Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and compassion, will be transiting through its home sign of Pisces from April 18th, 2022, to February 5th, 2037. This long transit brings about a heightened sense of spirituality, creativity, and empathy. However, it also emphasizes escapism, deception, and confusion.

Mental Health

I almost didn’t want to post this because it’s so depressing and ominous, but I realize I must. Everyone’s New Year’s resolution must be to FOCUS ON MENTAL HEALTH; you absolutely must. You’ll understand what I mean come April, 2022. This pandemic is not going anywhere, anytime soon (until 2040). I won’t even speak on 2023 because we have to get through 2022 first. Remember, we are all in this together and we have got to get through this together.

With Neptune in Pisces, we won’t be able to ignore or avoid this important conversation any longer. The pandemic has left a lasting impact on our mental well-being, and 2022 will see rising cases of depression, grief, isolation, and addiction. People will seek different ways to escape, but it’s crucial to find healthy outlets. Compassion, understanding, and charitable actions will be essential. Regularly check on your strong and weak friends alike, as strength is finite, and even those who seem happy may be struggling.

Legalization of Marijuana 2022

Marijuana is likely to be legalized federally as early as April 14th, 2022. The stance on drugs will shift dramatically, with potential legalization or regulation of other substances like mushrooms for therapeutic or recreational purposes. Pot stocks might become the new buzz in the stock market.

The Greatest Era of Music and Entertainment

On a brighter note, at least we will witness the best music, movies, and TV shows in a very long time. Neptune has been in Aquarius since 2008 and will be coming home to its own sign of Pisces as of April 18th, 2022. What a time it will be to be alive during Neptune’s Homecoming in Pisces. I can’t wait!

This period will be marked by groundbreaking creativity and soul-stirring performances. Expect music and movies to have a profound impact on your emotions, leaving you utterly speechless with their quality and depth.

Poverty and Suffering

Poverty will be a significant theme in 2022 and beyond. The economic fallout from the pandemic will continue to create victims. Many will struggle with debt and homelessness, requiring historic levels of government assistance. Fortunately, there will be support from religious organizations, sports leagues, investors, and foreign aid to help mitigate the suffering.

Scam Likely Galore

Beware of scams in 2022 and beyond. TRUST CURRENT/CREDIBLE ACTIONS AND NOT WORDS. People will exploit your naivety, leading to a higher likelihood of being tricked. Stay vigilant to avoid falling victim to scammers.

Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence Era: Living in the Fantasy

The introduction of the Metaverse by Mark Zuckerberg marks the beginning of a new era in virtual reality and artificial intelligence. This will likely eclipse platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. While it offers exciting possibilities, be mindful of its addictive nature. Remember, the Metaverse is not real, and significant life decisions should not be based on virtual interactions.

Pluto Retrograde: Easing of COVID-19 Restrictions

Pluto, the planet that rules over crises and transformations, will retrograde from April 30th, 2022, to October 9th, 2022. Historically, Pluto retrograde has coincided with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions. Expect a temporary relaxation of restrictions during this period, providing much-needed relief. However, the easing is likely to be temporary, so it’s essential to stay cautious and prepared for any changes.


As we navigate 2022, the influence of Neptune in Pisces and Pluto retrograding will shape our experiences profoundly. Mental health, creativity, economic challenges, and social changes will dominate the year. Stay compassionate, vigilant, and adaptable to make the most of the opportunities and challenges ahead. Remember, we are all in this together, and we have got to get through this together.