On December 21st, 2020, we witnessed not one but two major celestial events in the sky. Firstly, it was the annual Winter Solstice, a time when the Sun reaches its lowest point in the sky and “dies” for three days, only to resurrect and be reborn on Christmas Day. Secondly, this date marked the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 6° 20′ in Sidereal Capricorn, an event of legendary proportions that occurs once every 800 years.
The Star of Bethlehem and the Christmas Star
The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is often referred to as the Star of Bethlehem or the Christmas Star. This conjunction is so brightly visible in the sky that it appears as a single, magnificent star. Historically, it is believed that the three wise men, or Magi, followed a similar conjunction in Pisces (a sign associated with spirituality) to locate the newborn King. They planned years in advance and traveled for months from Persia (modern-day Iran) to Bethlehem, Jerusalem, in 7 B.C.
The Astrological Significance of Jupiter Conjunct Saturn
When two planets conjunct, they blend their energies, creating a powerful influence. Jupiter, known as the planet of expansion, idealism, self-help, advisors, philosophies, and financial gain, merges with Saturn, the planet of discipline, legacy, career, economy, longevity, commitments, and practicality. This blend of energies offers a unique opportunity for individuals to plan and establish their legacy and philosophy.
Historical Context and Influence

Jesus Christ, originally named Yeshua Ben Yosef, was born with Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Pisces. He utilized this energy to become a spiritual (Pisces) advisor (Jupiter) whose legacy would stand the test of time (Saturn). This historical example highlights the profound impact of this conjunction on shaping one’s destiny and influence.
Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Capricorn: Economic Implications

Currently, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in Capricorn, a sign that governs the economy, career, and structures of society. This alignment has significant implications for the stock markets and global economy. The blending of Jupiter’s expansive and optimistic energy with Saturn’s disciplined and practical nature can lead to both opportunities and challenges in the financial world.
How to Make the Most of This Rare Alignment
The best way to take advantage of this rare planetary alignment is to plan your legacy and philosophy carefully. Ensure that your long-term goals and beliefs align. Write them down and use this time to imprint new ideas upon your subconscious mind. The Winter Solstice is an ideal time for this as the Sun, representing the logical mind, is at its lowest point in the sky. This means our logical minds are subdued, making us more impressionable and open to new ideas.
My Analysis

Astrology is real. Astrology is the oldest science known to mankind. Please take this seriously. I don’t mean to scare you. My intentions are to PREPARE YOU! We are only 0 degrees into Capricorn and by the time we are 6 degrees into Capricorn will be United States 1st Pluto Return (February 22nd, 2024). I’m not as precise as Nostradamus so I don’t know precisely what will happen but I know that it will affect the economy, government, businesses and structures for sure. In order to survive this huge test (high key MAJOR CRISIS), we all must channel the Capricorn energy in us.
The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn on December 21st, 2020, was a monumental event with profound astrological implications. Known as the Star of Bethlehem or the Christmas Star, this rare alignment offers a unique opportunity to plan and solidify your legacy and philosophy. As we move forward, it’s essential to harness the combined energies of Jupiter and Saturn to navigate the economic and societal challenges ahead. This celestial event serves as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of the cosmos and our lives on Earth.