
The Murder of George Floyd

Part 1: The Oppressive Planet: Pluto in Capricorn

The planets and the constellations in the heavens are here to teach and guide us through life.  Nothing ever happens on earth without influence from the cosmos; as above, so below. The murder of George Floyd didn’t happen randomly.  The Pluto in Capricorn theme was strong in the Floyd case: the abuse of authority figures, the knees to murder, and exploitation of seniority and mentorship during the training of new rookies on the force. Even after that were the cases of elder abuse and mistreatment by the police.

The United States was founded while Pluto was in Capricorn.  Therefore, Pluto in Capricorn has a MONUMENTAL influence on how we live as Americans. Pluto represents the oppressor while Capricorn represents systems, control and hierarchy.  This is why there has always been systemic oppression within the United States. The earliest form of policing in the United States was the slave patrols, who were organized groups of armed white men who monitored and enforced discipline upon black enslaved people.  Even though African Americans fought long and hard for basic humanity, unfortunately, first impression has always been a lasting one. The theme of systemic oppression and hierarchy still remains a long-term tradition.

Currently Pluto has been retrograding since April 26th. Retrograde is the occurrence where a planet appears to be moving backwards. It’s the same phenomenon as when you are moving faster than another vehicle and as you advance, the vehicle’s tires appears to be moving in reverse.  Pluto has reversed out of Capricorn and into Sagittarius on June 30th, 2020. The crisis inducing planet will go direct again on October 5th and will enter back into Capricorn on December 31st. When Pluto is retrograding, this gives us time to rethink, reflect or the word that’s trending is “reimagine” themes of the zodiac sign at hand.  So when it was retrograding in Capricorn, we were rethinking/reimagining policing in America. Now that Pluto, the planet that rules viruses, is back in Sagittarius, the sign that rules traveling, religions, laws, higher education, now is a time to rethink traveling, the way we traditionally worship and the way we experience higher education through colleges and universities; that’s a whole different story. What I want you to understand is that this is literally our last opportunity to prepare for the HARSHNESS of Pluto in Capricorn. The talk about police brutality may go away for just some time until December 31st when it goes back into Capricorn and that’s where it will stay until January 15th, 2040. This is important, especially for the United States because our Pluto Return is on February 22th, 2024, where during this time we will be forced to transform our country through a major crisis.