
The Astrological Influence of Pluto in Capricorn on CEO Resignations

Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and intense change, entered Capricorn on February 24th, 2020, and will remain there until January 15th, 2040. This period marks significant shifts in authority, structure, and discipline, particularly within businesses and corporations. One notable trend during this transit has been the wave of CEO resignations, often referred to as the “CEO Exodus.” This blog explores the astrological connections between Pluto in Capricorn and the departure of high-profile CEOs.

Pluto in Capricorn: Understanding the Influence

Pluto’s Themes:

  • Intensity and extremity
  • Power and control
  • Secrecy and transformation
  • Destruction and regeneration
  • Underworld and crime

Capricorn’s Themes:

  • Authority figures and discipline
  • Structure, rules, and control
  • Career and ambition
  • Practicality and responsibility
  • Hierarchy and duty

When Pluto transits Capricorn, it brings intense scrutiny and transformation to areas ruled by Capricorn, such as government, economy, and large institutions. This period is marked by a restructuring of power, often through crises that reveal hidden flaws and necessitate profound changes.

The 2020 CEO Exodus

In 2020, a significant number of CEOs stepped down from their positions, reflecting the intense and transformative energy of Pluto in Capricorn. According to a report by Challenger, Gray & Christmas, a total of 1,218 CEOs departed their roles, driven by a mix of financial, cultural, and political pressures amidst an unprecedented year.

Key Departures:

  1. Bob Iger (Disney): Announced his departure in February to focus on creative endeavors, handing over to Bob Chapek.
  2. Jim Hackett (Ford): Resigned in October amid investor doubts and a failed restructuring plan, succeeded by Jim Farley.
  3. Kevin Mayer (TikTok): Stepped down amid tensions between TikTok’s parent company and President Trump over security concerns.
  4. Michael Corbat (Citigroup): Retired in September after 37 years, succeeded by Jane Fraser, the first woman to lead a U.S. bank.
  5. Greg Glassman (CrossFit): Resigned in June after controversial comments about George Floyd’s death led to sponsor withdrawals.
  6. Steph Korey (Away): Resigned twice in 2020 due to reports of a toxic culture and controversial social media behavior.

Astrological Analysis: Pluto in Capricorn and CEO Resignations

The wave of CEO resignations in 2020 is a clear manifestation of Pluto’s transformative power in Capricorn. Several astrological themes emerge from this trend:

Intensity and Power Struggles

Pluto’s influence brings intense power struggles and a focus on control. The CEO departures reflected the immense pressures and power shifts within corporations, as leaders faced unprecedented challenges.

Transformation and Regeneration

Pluto’s energy is about destruction and regeneration. The resignations forced companies to undergo significant transformations, rethinking leadership and organizational structures to adapt to new realities.

Secrecy and Revelation

Pluto rules over secrecy and hidden truths. Many CEO departures were linked to scandals or hidden issues within the companies, bringing these problems to light and necessitating transparency and accountability.

Authority and Discipline

Capricorn’s influence emphasizes authority and discipline. The departures underscored the need for stronger governance and more disciplined leadership practices to navigate crises effectively.

Preparing for Future Challenges: February 2024

The CEO Exodus of 2020 serves as a precursor to a more significant transformative period predicted for February 2024. This period will mark the United States’ first Pluto return since the Declaration of Independence, signifying profound changes for the nation.

Key Predictions:

  • Major economic and corporate reforms
  • Structural changes in government and large institutions
  • Increased focus on accountability and discipline
  • Potential for significant social and political upheaval

Advice for Preparation:

  • Conserve Resources: Prepare for potential economic instability by conserving resources and managing finances carefully.
  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of developments in the financial sector and be ready to adapt to changes.
  • Embrace Change: Understand that transformation is necessary for growth. Be open to new ways of thinking and operating.


Pluto in Capricorn brings profound changes and challenges, particularly in areas related to authority, structure, and power. The 2020 CEO Exodus is a clear example of these influences at work. As we approach a more significant transformative period in February 2024, it is crucial to stay informed, prepared, and adaptable. Understanding the astrological context helps us navigate these times with greater awareness and resilience.