
Pluto in Capricorn: Transforming Traditions and Power Structures (2020-2040)

As Pluto moved into Capricorn on February 24th, 2020, a profound shift began that will last until January 15th, 2040. Pluto, the planet of crisis, transformation, and power, brings intense energy wherever it goes. When it enters the disciplined, structured sign of Capricorn, it promises to reshape our world in significant ways. This blog explores the impact of Pluto in Capricorn, its influence on current events, and what we can expect during this powerful transit.

Understanding Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto is known for its associations with crisis, scandals, investigations, loans, destruction, and transformation. It uncovers hidden truths and compels us to confront the darker aspects of life. Capricorn, on the other hand, rules over economy, corporate structures, traditions, authority figures, and the disciplined climb to success. When these two powerful forces combine, we witness a transformative period characterized by the following themes:

Perceived Reduction of Crime and Restriction of Weapons of Mass Destruction

During Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, there may be significant efforts to control crime and restrict the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. This period could see a rise in organized crime and terrorism, as criminals become more ambitious, cautious, and disciplined.

Organized Crime and Long-Term Abuse

Pluto in Capricorn can bring to light the harsh underworld of organized conspiracies and long-term abuse. We might see more investigations into hidden crimes and the exposure of dark and unpleasant aspects of life, including elder abuse and the actions of sadistic, strict authority figures.

Economical Crisis and Corporate Scandals

The transit of Pluto through Capricorn is likely to bring economic challenges, including recessions and corporate scandals. This period will be marked by the destruction and reforming of capitalism and the economy, with significant transformations in traditional 9am-5pm businesses and secret government organizations.

Intense Reality and Difficult Limitations

The influence of Pluto in Capricorn will bring extreme rules, intense tests, and examinations. Society will face difficult limitations and a harsh reality that will require discipline and perseverance. People will need to be proactive, save money, and learn to budget effectively to navigate these challenging times.

Key Events During Pluto in Capricorn

COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic, which began shortly after Pluto entered Capricorn, is a prime example of the intense, transformative energy of this transit. The pandemic exposed weaknesses in global health systems, economies, and leadership, forcing us to confront and reform these areas.

Economic Recession and Corporate Restructuring

The economic impact of the pandemic led to significant corporate restructuring and the rise of remote work. Traditional business models have been transformed, reflecting Pluto’s influence on Capricorn’s domain of work and economy.

Social and Political Unrest

We have seen increased social and political unrest, with movements challenging long-standing power structures and authority figures. The Black Lives Matter protests and the January 6th Capitol insurrection are examples of how Pluto’s energy can manifest in societal upheaval and the questioning of authority.

Preparing for Pluto in Capricorn

As Pluto continues its journey through Capricorn, it is crucial to be proactive and prepared. Here are some tips to navigate this challenging period:

  1. Save Money: Financial discipline is key during this transit. Build an emergency fund, learn to budget, and avoid unnecessary expenses.
  2. Work on Your Credit: Good credit can provide a safety net in times of economic uncertainty. Focus on improving your credit score.
  3. Be Consistent: Consistency in your work and personal life will help you navigate the intense and often unpredictable energy of Pluto in Capricorn.
  4. Don’t Take Your Career for Granted: Job security can be uncertain during this transit. Stay committed to your career and be open to adapting to new roles and responsibilities.
  5. Play by the Book: Follow rules and regulations carefully. This period demands discipline and adherence to established structures.


Pluto in Capricorn is a time of profound transformation, challenging us to confront and reform our societal structures, economic systems, and personal lives. By understanding the influences of this powerful transit and preparing accordingly, we can navigate these intense times with resilience and adaptability.