
How Uranus in Aries Influenced the Charlottesville Riots and NFL “Take a Knee” Protests

The Astrological Influence of Uranus in Aries

In sidereal astrology, Uranus represents protests, rebellion, and the drive for radical change. When Uranus moves through Aries, a sign known for its competitive, aggressive, and athletic qualities, we can expect these rebellious energies to manifest in a particularly forceful and confrontational manner. This alignment significantly influenced the Charlottesville Riots and the NFL “Take a Knee” protests.

Charlottesville Riots: A Clash of Aggressive Protesters

On August 12, 2017, the Charlottesville Riots erupted as angry protesters clashed violently in the streets. The Alt Right’s hate rally met fierce opposition from counter-protesters, resulting in tragic violence and chaos. The astrological backdrop of Uranus in Aries played a pivotal role in this event.

Uranus in Aries amplifies rebellious and aggressive energies, making protests more intense and confrontational. The violent clashes in Charlottesville were a direct manifestation of this cosmic alignment. Angry protesters, embodying the fiery nature of Aries, took to the streets with a combative spirit, leading to one of the most significant and violent protests in recent history.

NFL “Take a Knee” Protest: Athletic Rebellion on the Field

The NFL “Take a Knee” protest, initiated by Colin Kaepernick in 2016, saw athletes kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality. This movement gained momentum and became a symbol of athletic rebellion. Uranus in Aries again played a crucial role in shaping this protest.

Aries is a sign associated with athletes and competition, and Uranus’ presence here ignited a spirit of defiance among NFL players. The protest challenged the status quo within a structured organization, symbolized by Mars in Capricorn, which rules over structured organizations and authority. The competitive nature of Aries fueled the determination of the athletes to stand up against injustice, even if it meant facing backlash from their organizations and the public.

Cosmic Forces at Play

The cosmos had another significant aspect during these events: Uranus in Aries squaring Mars in Capricorn. This alignment created a tense and confrontational energy, where rebellious forces clashed with established structures. In Charlottesville, this translated to violent confrontations between protesters and organized groups like law enforcement and counter-protesters. In the NFL, it represented the athletes’ challenge against the league’s authority and societal norms.

Looking Ahead: Staying Safe in Tumultuous Times

As we anticipate future protests and social movements, it’s crucial to stay aware of the cosmic influences that can shape these events. The upcoming second annual Alt Right hate rally in Washington D.C. on August 12 will likely be another intense and confrontational event. Uranus in Aries, squaring Mars in Capricorn, suggests that aggressive protesters will once again clash with organized groups.


Understanding the astrological influences behind significant social movements can provide valuable insights into the dynamics at play. Uranus in Aries brings a rebellious and aggressive energy that has fueled both the Charlottesville Riots and the NFL “Take a Knee” protests. As we navigate these turbulent times, staying informed about cosmic alignments can help us anticipate and prepare for the challenges ahead. Stay safe and aware of the powerful forces at work in our world.