
Donald Trump’s Natal Chart Report: A Sidereal Astrology Analysis

Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is a figure who has always captured public attention with his unique and often polarizing personality. His natal chart provides fascinating insights into the astrological influences that have shaped his life and career. This report delves into the planetary positions and aspects of Trump’s chart, offering a detailed explanation of how these celestial factors correlate with his well-known biography.

Key Aspects and Interpretations

Moon in Scorpio

Trump’s Moon in Scorpio indicates a deeply secretive and emotionally intense personality. He tends to hold onto past hurts and resentments, which can lead to a powerful but sometimes vengeful nature. His intense loyalty and protectiveness make him a formidable ally and a fearsome foe. This placement also suggests a person who is not content with superficial appearances and is always probing beneath the surface for hidden motives.

Sun Conjunct Uranus

The Sun conjunct Uranus aspect in Trump’s chart highlights his innovative, unorthodox, and often rebellious nature. He identifies with the role of a reformer and insists on a lifestyle that allows him personal freedom and spontaneity. This aspect is evident in his unconventional approach to politics and business, often challenging the status quo.

Uranus in the 10th House

With Uranus in the 10th House, Trump is destined for a career that challenges societal norms. This placement suggests a reputation built on individuality, social networking, and rebelliousness. His role as an instrument for progressive change is clear, whether in business or politics, and he is known for shaking things up in any arena he enters.

Sun in the 10th House

The Sun’s position in the 10th House underscores the importance of Trump’s career, reputation, and public image. He has a strong desire to be influential and to make a significant impact on the world. This placement drives his ambition and desire for broad recognition, often at the expense of his personal life.

Jupiter in the 2nd House

Jupiter in the 2nd House indicates a strong focus on wealth, material well-being, and prosperity. Trump is generous but sometimes careless with money, preferring to use it to enrich his life rather than holding onto it. This aspect aligns with his lavish lifestyle and penchant for luxury.

Mars in Leo

Mars in Leo highlights Trump’s pride, ambition, and strong ego. He strives to stand out and be recognized, preferring to be in leadership roles rather than taking orders. This placement fuels his competitive spirit and desire to be seen as Number 1. It also explains his love for admiration and applause, driving his need to excel and be in the spotlight.

Leo Rising

With Leo rising, Trump presents himself as a proud, dignified, and somewhat vain individual. He likes to be seen as special and is rarely content with minor roles. This placement supports his natural leadership qualities and his need to put his personal stamp on everything he does. His strong sense of dignity and personal honor means he is deeply offended by any perceived humiliation or dishonor.

Corroborating Biography

Donald Trump’s biography reflects many of the traits and tendencies indicated by his natal chart. His secretive and intense nature (Moon in Scorpio) has often been noted in his business dealings and personal relationships. His unorthodox and rebellious approach (Sun conjunct Uranus) is evident in his tenure as President, where he frequently challenged established norms and practices.

Trump’s career focus and public image (Sun in the 10th House) have always been paramount, driving his ambitious real estate projects and reality TV stardom before his entry into politics. His lavish lifestyle and financial dealings (Jupiter in the 2nd House) are well-documented, as is his competitive and ambitious nature (Mars in Leo).


Donald Trump’s natal chart provides a comprehensive astrological insight into his complex personality and life choices. From his intense emotional depth to his rebellious nature and career ambitions, the stars have played a significant role in shaping the man known for his larger-than-life persona and unyielding drive for success.