
Expounding on Extremist Ideology


For nearly the past decade we have been plagued by a specific evil.  We have experienced religious extremism, corrupt ideology, terrorism and even viruses plaguing tourist destinations, mass murders on college campuses and bombs and hijackers on planes.  This may seem random and rare but honestly it’s really not.  This is a perfect way to show the axiom, “As Above, So Below”.  As an astrologer, I look to the heavens to interpret what is really going on.  I’ve noticed major and eerie similarities between what’s going on in the world and what’s going on in the heavens.

Pluto in Sagittarius

Pluto has entered into the sign of Sagittarius as of 2006.  Pluto has been terrorizing Sagittarius ever since then.  Pluto is the archetype of evil. Pluto rules the extreme, the deranged, mass murderers, crimes, bombs, machine guns, viruses and corruption. Pluto infiltrates to destroy behavior that is deemed bad only to rebuild what it thinks is desired.  Sagittarius on the other hands rules religions, law, justice, colleges/universities, foreigners, travel, vacation, planes, sports and ideology.  Where ever Pluto enters it corrupts, destroys and perverts the representations of the sign it’s in.  We have surely noticed these similarities.  Why were there so many mass shootings on college campuses?  Why is ISIL (ISIS), a religious extremist group, so notorious right now for their destructive and corrupt nature? Why are terrorists attacking vacation spots such as Orlando, Paris, and Nice.

Brazil is one of the hottest vacation spots in the world. Rio De Janeiro is hosting this year’s Olympics.  The Olympics is most definitely ruled by Sagittarius.  It is ironic now that Brazil, whom is facing a horrible economic drought, is batting (1) the Zika Virus (2) an extreme influx in crime due to economic troubles and (3) extremist terrorists groups whose sole intent is for MASSIVE destruction.  Either way, it’s not looking good for Brazil nor the Olympics.  Point blank, this is a very dangerous time to travel. You don’t need an astrologer to be aware of that but you must know why.  Please be very vigilant when traveling abroad or anywhere where tourists may frequent. Please be very vigilant and aware on college campuses as well.  Be very aware of the corruption going on by the Law and Justice [Police Brutality].  Pluto will be in Sagittarius for a few more years until 2022 when it starts to terrorize Capricorn which will be another completely different set of horrors.